Download Together We Burn (Deadly Liars #2) ny Vari Scott

StevieNever touch, never kiss, and never fall for a target. My rules I stupidly broke for him. Against my better judgement, because of him. He made me feel things I didn?t know I was capable of. But he?s a liar. He betrayed me, worse than anyone ever had. This was all just a game to him, and now? it?s time for me to play.No one crosses Stevie Matthews and lives to tell the tale. JakeShe wasn?t supposed to get under my skin. We were never meant to be.But I fell for her anyway, knowing I?d eventually have to betray herShe?ll want me to pay for my sins, make me burn. Only, she?s playing a game in the dark? with missing pieces. And she has no clue who she?s up against. Because Jacob Weston is a possessive bastard, and I will get back what is mine.





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