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[Read] Games with the Orc (Monster Smash Agency, #1) ny Kathryn Moon

Sunny has spent years of her life hiding from her own desires and hiding them from those she loves. Forced to face the idea of denying that part of herself forever, Sunny takes a nose dive out of her routine and into her fantasies. All she needs is the help of Monster Smash Agency and one exceptionally talented Orc.Khell'ar has mastered his work with Monster Smash Agency, satisfying his clients with perfect expertise. Guiding inexperienced Sunny into a new realm of extreme pleasures should be easy, simple. All he has to do is follow her requests, play his part, and not form a mating bond.But Sunny is orc bait, and Khell'ar is more than even her wildest dreams could concoct.

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(Download Now) When Gracie Met the Grump ny Mariana Zapata

Of all the things that could have landed in her yard? it had to be him.For most people, finding a half-naked superbeing in their yard might be a dream come true. Unfortunately for Gracie Castro, it?s the exact opposite. Especially when he?s grouchy, rude, and shows no signs of leaving anytime soon. But when a hero of mankind needs you, you do what you have to.Even if it compromises everything you know.And totally changes your life.

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Download Kiss To Shatter (Blairwood University, #6) ny Anna B. Doe

Prescott Wentworth is my brother's best friend and teammate. We hate each other. But we also can't keep our hands off each other.The day I met the star wide receiver, he was acting like a grumpy ass, and I was so over big, bulky men messing with my life. He was gorgeous, with wide shoulders, a chiseled jaw hidden behind a week?s worth of scruff, and the meanest glare I've seen in my life. So what if he was injured during a game? At least he's alive, not that he appreciates it.Now it's a new school year, but some things never change.Like the sizzling tension between Prescott and me every time we?re in the same room. But the more we fight, the more I want to shut him up. With my mouth.Then he sees me on a date with someone else, and something in him snaps.The deal is simple: it's just sex, and nobody can ever find out. Especially not my brother.But then the demons from my past come back to haunt me. The darker they become, the more I need Prescott. And I?m beginning to feel like he

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[Download Now] His Pretty Little Burden (Kids of The District, #4) ny Nicci Harris

Sweet little Fawn is the daughter of a boss in The District Cosa Nostra.The daughter of the man who betrayed my family.Not only is she a burden?barely eighteen, na?ve, the epitome of a little deer in headlights-But she is too damn pretty.Too pretty to have clawed her way through life, merely surviving.Too pretty to be so utterly vulnerable, alone, and asking for help from the deadliest man in the city?me.Christ. She is too pretty to be walking my halls at midnight.Too damn pretty. . . to not be mine.My pretty little burden.His Pretty Little Burden is part of The Kids of The District series but can be read without the previous books, although it follows a greater narrative. It has a happily for now. It features a powerful Mafia Don, and his endearing tortured little heroine. His Pretty Little Burden has an age-gap dynamic that some people may find uncomfortable. It is an epic love story first. Word steam second. Violence, gore, and drama, third. Enjoy.

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[Download] Flip the Script ny Lyla Lee

The first rule of watching K-dramas: Never fall in love with the second lead. As an avid watcher of K-dramas, Hana knows all the tropes to avoid when she finally lands a starring role in a buzzy new drama. And she can totally handle her fake co-star boyfriend who might be falling in love with her. After all, she promised the producers a contract romance, and that?s?all they?re going to get from her. But when showrunners bring on a new girl to challenge Hana?s role?as main love interest?and worse, it?s someone Hana knows all too well?can ?Hana fight for her position on the show while falling for her on-screen?rival in real life?-K-drama lovers will fall for all the fan-favorite tropes that make for a hit show.-Romance is everywhere in this swoony, joy-filled novel, with fake dating, a secret relationship, and a classic love triangle!-Visit South Korea as Hana takes readers through popular spots and hidden gems.

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(Download Now) The Art of Impossible: A Peak Performance Primer ny Steven Kotler

Bestselling author, peak performance expert and Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective, Steven Kotler decodes the secrets of those elite performers?athletes, artists, scientists, CEOs and more?who have changed our definition of the possible, teaching us how we too can stretch far beyond our capabilities, making impossible dreams much more attainable for all of us. What does it take to accomplish the impossible? What does it take to shatter our limitations, exceed our expectations, and turn our biggest dreams into our most recent achievements??We are capable of so much more than we know?that?s the message at the core of The Art of Impossible. Building upon cutting-edge neuroscience and over twenty years of research, author Steven Kotler lays out a blueprint for extreme performance improvement and offers a playbook to make it happen.

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[Read] The Survivalists ny Kashana Cauley

A single Black lawyer puts her career and personal moral code at risk when she moves in with her coffee entrepreneur boyfriend and his doomsday-prepping roommates in a novel that?s packed with tension, curiosity, humor, and wit from a writer with serious comedy credentials.In the wake of her parents? death, Aretha, a habitually single Black lawyer, has had only one obsession in life?success?until she falls for Aaron, a coffee entrepreneur. Moving into his Brooklyn brownstone to live along with his Hurricane Sandy-traumatized, illegal-gun-stockpiling, optimized-soy-protein-eating, bunker-building roommates, Aretha finds that her dreams of making partner are slipping away, replaced by an underground world, one of selling guns and training for a doomsday that?s maybe just around the corner.For readers of Victor LaValle?s The Changeling, Paul Beatty?s The Sellout, and Zakiya Harris?s The Other Black Girl, The Survivalists is a darkly humorous novel from a smart and relevant new literary

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(Download) Only Mine (Honey Mountain, #5) ny Laura Pavlov

Wolf Wayburn is the devil in an Armani suit with the body of a Greek god. He thinks I?m just a small-town girl who he can intimidate?but I never back down from a fight.The first time we met, he cut me off at a gas station.So, I flashed him the bird and mocked his family jewels.The second time we met, he tried to get me fired.He took his shot?and he missed.At least for now.Wolf Wayburn was an ex-Navy SEAL with an attitude.But it would take a lot more than the big, bad Wolf to scare me off.I had ninety days to win the man over.To convince him that I was the right person for the job.But spending endless amounts of time with him proved more challenging than I?d expected.He was stubborn and broody and charming and sexy?all at the same time.I despised him as much as I craved him.We taunted and teased and terrorized one another for weeks.The first time he dropped to his knees, it was to search me for a weapon.The second time? it was an altogether different story.I never planned to fall for

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(Read Now) The Black Girls Left Standing ny Juliana Goodman

Sixteen-year-old Beau Willet has dreams of being an artist and one day leaving the Chicago projects she's grown up in. But after her older sister, Katia, is killed by an off-duty police officer, Beau knows she has to clear her sister's name by finding the only witness to the murder; Katia's no-good boyfriend, Jordan, who has gone missing. If she doesn't find him and tell the world what really happened, Katia's death will be ignored, like the deaths of so many other Black women who are wrongfully killed.With the help of her friend, Sonnet, Beau sets up a Twitter account to gather anonymous tips. But the more that Beau finds out about her sister's death, the more danger she finds herself in. And with a new relationship developing with her childhood friend, Champion, and the struggle to keep her family together, Beau is soon in way over her head. How much is she willing to risk to clear her sister's name and make sure she's not forgotten?

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(Download) Open Circuits: The Inner Beauty of Electronic Components ny Windell Oskay

Open Circuits is a photographic exploration of the beautiful design inside everyday electronics. Its stunning cross-section photography unlocks a hidden world full of elegance, subtle complexity, and wonder.Our phones, computers, and appliances are made of hundreds of internal components, each precisely engineered to perform a certain function, but none intended to actually be seen. Through painstakingly executed, vividly detailed cross-section photography, Open Circuits reveals the surprising--and often accidental--beauty hiding inside the electronic components that drive our everyday devices.From resistors to LEDs, USB cables to headphone jacks, stepper motors to nixie tubes, the book's arresting imagery transforms more than 130 components into delightful works of art. As you visually dissect the components' insides, you'll learn about how they work and how they were made. Open Circuits has something for everyone to appreciate, whether you're a seasoned electrical engineer, an

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Download Beyond the Moonlit Sea ny Julianne MacLean

From the bestselling author of These Tangled Vines comes a gripping novel about one woman?s search for answers when her husband vanishes in the night.Olivia Hamilton is married to the love of her life, Dean, a charismatic pilot who flies private jets for the rich and famous. But when he vanishes over the Bermuda Triangle, Olivia?s idyllic existence unravels. After years of waiting, Olivia must eventually let go of the fragile hope that her beloved husband might still be alive.Melanie Brown is a particle physicist who spends late nights studying the Bermuda Triangle. But her research interests falter when her mother dies in a tragic accident. Struggling to reboot her life and career, Melanie begins a forbidden love affair with her therapist.When a shocking discovery shows Olivia?s and Melanie?s paths are intertwined, it casts Dean?s disappearance in a new light. The two women?s strange connection threatens to unlock secrets that will change everything Olivia thought she knew about her

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Read Barbarian Lover (Ice Planet Barbarians, #3) ny Ruby Dixon

The third novel in the Ice Planet Barbarians series, an international publishing phenomenon?now in a special print edition with bonus materials and an exclusive epilogue! Kira plans on remaining single on this alien planet?she doesn?t want a mate anyway. At least, that?s what she tells herself. But when Aehako comes along, everything changes. . . . As one of the humans stranded on the ice planet, I should be happy that I have a new home. Human women are treasured here, and one alien in particular has made it clear that he?s interested in me. It?s hard to push away the sexy, flirtatious Aehako when I long to grab him by his horns and insist he take me to his furs. But I?ve got a terrible secret?a few of them, actually. I?m convinced that Aehako can never love me if he knows the full truth. More worryingly, the aliens who abducted me are back, and thanks to the translator in my ear, they can find me. My presence here endangers everyone . . . but can I give up my new life and the man I

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[Download] Mussolini il capobanda ny Aldo Cazzullo

?Cent?anni fa, in questi stessi giorni, la nostra patria cadeva nelle mani di una banda di delinquenti, guidata da un uomo spietato e cattivo. Un uomo capace di tutto; persino di far chiudere e morire in manicomio il proprio figlio, e la donna che l?aveva messo al mondo?.Comincia cos? il racconto di Aldo Cazzullo su Mussolini. Una figura di cui la maggioranza degli italiani si ? fatta un?idea sbagliata: uno statista che fino al ?38 le aveva azzeccate quasi tutte; peccato l?alleanza con Hitler, le leggi razziali, la guerra.Cazzullo ricorda che prima del ?38 Mussolini aveva provocato la morte dei principali oppositori: Matteotti, Gobetti, Gramsci, Amendola, don Minzoni, Carlo e Nello Rosselli. Aveva conquistato il potere con la violenza ? non solo manganelli e olio di ricino ma bombe e mitragliatrici -, facendo centinaia di vittime.Fin dal 1922 si era preso la rivincita sulle citt? che gli avevano resistito, con avversari gettati dalle finestre di San Lorenzo a Roma, o legati ai camion

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[Read Now] Smart Brevity: Write Less. Say More. Get Heard. ny Jim Vandehei

You?re wasting your reader?s time. Here?s how to change, in just six words: Brevity is confidence. Length is fear. ??????????? This guiding principle turned first Politico and then Axios into hugely influential media companies. It?s also in the dna of Smart Brevity?, the Axios spin-off that teaches Fortune 500 companies, organizations, professional writers and other individuals how to get their message heard. Now they?ve distilled their lessons into an essential guide?and manifesto?for writing effectively in the digital age. ??????????? Smart Brevity is a system and strategy that will teach anyone who works with words how to think more sharply, communicate more crisply, and save your readers time. It?s about how to say more with less. And how, on a deeper level, to clean up and reframe your thinking. ??????????? You?ll learn how to create a muscular tease?the thing that will flag down your reader?s attention. How to craft a ?lede??a short, sharp, memorable opening sentence. How

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[Read Now] Misfits Like Us (Like Us, #11) ny Krista Ritchie

As the eldest daughter of famous parents, Luna Hale is anything but normal. She escapes most days inside the fandoms she loves and the fics she writes, and she?s accepted that real life just sucks more than fiction. But there is someone who could rival every swoony man inside her imagination.And he only lives three floors below her. Too bad he?s incredibly off-limits. Her brother?s bodyguard, eight years older (okay, sometimes, nine), and the son of meth addicts?the tattooed, shameless bodyguard is the only one her dad really hates. But Luna isn?t sure exactly why.She?s trying not to be hung up on him.Paul Donnelly is trying not to be hung up on her.With his life among the security team and his friends at stake, he doesn?t need to make waves among the Hales, especially the notoriously overprotective Loren Hale, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Petty. But when Donnelly?s two best friends set a time and place for a double?no, a ?triple? date?the countdown to finding a date is on.Donnelly

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(Read) Beautiful Devils (Filthy Wicked Psychos, #2) ny Eva Ashwood

The thrilling second book in the Filthy Wicked Psychos series!Note: The blurb below contains spoilers for the first book, so I'd recommend not reading it until you've finished book one, Twisted Game. You've been warned!***They claimed my heart? only to break it.After spending years feeling like I never fit in anywhere, I thought I had found a place where I might truly belong. With the Voronin brothers.By their sides.In their beds.A part of their lives.But none of it was real. Malice, Victor, and Ransom showed me a side of myself I never knew existed, taught me to embrace the darkness I once tried to hide from?. and then proved that they see me the same way everyone else does.They lied to me. They used me.And now it?s not just my heart that?s in danger.It?s my life.Beautiful Devils is a full-length new adult romance with dark themes, damaged anti-heroes, and high heat. It is book two of four in the series.

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(Read Now) The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness ny Morgan Housel

Doing well with money isn't necessarily about what you know. It's about how you behave. And behavior is hard to teach, even to really smart people. Money--investing, personal finance, and business decisions--is typically taught as a math-based field, where data and formulas tell us exactly what to do. But in the real world people don't make financial decisions on a spreadsheet. They make them at the dinner table, or in a meeting room, where personal history, your own unique view of the world, ego, pride, marketing, and odd incentives are scrambled together. In The Psychology of Money, award-winning author Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories exploring the strange ways people think about money and teaches you how to make better sense of one of life's most important topics.

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(Download Now) Glow (The Plated Prisoner, #4) ny Raven Kennedy

"I was nothing but a road to Midas. A means to get to where he wanted to go, and I paved that path in gold." My life has been made up of gilded lies. But death has been shaped from rot.Like a phoenix caught fire, I will need to rise from the ashes and learn to wield my own power. Because my wings may have been clipped, but I am not in a cage, and I'm finally free to fly from the frozen kingdoms I've been kept in.Yet the world doesn't want to let me.That's the thing when you turn against a king?everyone else turns against you.Good thing I have a different king in my corner.But even with the dark threat of Slade Ravinger, the other monarchs are coming for me.So I will fight for him and he will kill for me, and if we need to become the villains, then so be it.Because so long as I live in this world, I won't be used again.Please note: This is an adult fantasy series with dark elements that may be triggering, including past emotional and physical trauma, violence, adult language, and

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Read Lover Unveiled (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #19) ny J.R. Ward

Meet Sahvage: a powerful MMA fighter with a buried secret that could change the world of Caldwell forever... Sahvage has been living under the radar for centuries-and he has every intention of staying 'dead and buried.' But when a civilian female sucks him into her dangerous battle with an evil as ancient as time, his protective side overrides his common sense.Mae has lost everything, and desperation sets her on a collision course with fate. Determined to reverse a tragedy, she goes where mortals should fear to tread- and comes face to face with the Brotherhood's new enemy. She also discovers a love she never expected to find with Sahvage, but there can be no future for them.Knowing they will part, the two band together to fight against what Mae unknowingly unleashed- as the Brotherhood closes in to reclaim one of their damned, and the evil vows to destroy them all...

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Read Ashes of Man (Sun Eater, #5) ny Christopher Ruocchio

The fifth novel of the galaxy-spanning Sun Eater series merges the best of space opera and epic fantasy, as Hadrian Marlowe continues down a path that can only end in fire.The galaxy is burning. With the Cielcin united under one banner, the Sollan Empire stands alone after the betrayal of the Commonwealth. The Prophet-King of the Cielcin has sent its armies to burn the worlds of men, and worse, there are rumors...whispers that Hadrian Marlowe is dead, killed in the fighting. But it is not so. Hadrian survived with the help of the witch, Valka, and together they escaped the net of the enemy having learned a terrible truth: the gods that the Cielcin worship are real and will not rest until the universe is dark and cold. What is more, the Emperor himself is in danger. The Prophet-King has learned to track his movements as he travels along the borders of Imperial space. Now the Cielcin legions are closing in, their swords poised to strike off the head of all mankind.

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